A Senior Moment

The funny thing about passwords

Robin MS
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2024


A laptop computer.
Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

Today’s Fiction Shorts Drabble writing prompt is #179. The word is password. The genre is humor.

A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words. When you’re done reading mine, please take a moment to relish it — about 30 seconds — to let me know you were here. Thank you!

“Marge, what’s my password for that website?” John shouted while pushing buttons on their shared laptop computer.

“Which site?”

“You know the one.”

“You need to be more specific.”

“We went yesterday. I want to see if they billed me correctly. The doctor site.”

“My Chart?”

“Yes, that one.”

“I’m sorry, dear, I don’t recall the password.”

“David set it for me last time he was here, remember?”

"No, dear, I really don’t remember it. Why don’t you give him a call?”

“I don’t want to bother him at work with something so silly.”

Marge texts David.

His reply: DadNeverRemembersHisPasswordx17!

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Robin MS
Fiction Shorts

Writer of short fiction and personal essays. Depending on my mood, my stories can be heartwarming, humorous, or horrifying. Like a box of candy, only wordier.