Member-only story

A Simpler Time

RWDrabble 2.0.016 | Banjo

Steven Smith
Fiction Shorts


Created with Bing Co-Pilot AI Image generator by Author

A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words — no more, no less. So please stick around for 30 seconds so Medium can see it’s been read. Any claps, highlights, and comments will help support my work and encourage me to keep going.

Along with featuring the random word of the day, today’s drabble must also be inspired by the image in the graphic.

If you’re not a member of Medium, click here to read my story for free!

Everything’s so different now. Time was when things were slower and more relaxed. Cattle grazing as far as the eye could see over rolling hills of green. And the isolation, not a single house that I could reach without a horse ride in any direction.

From sun up to sun down, my day was filled with work. Feeding the livestock, putting them out to pasture, tending the horses, and taking produce into town. And by night, we’d gather on the porch to drink and play banjo.

Now it’s all urban sprawl, smog and fast living. Oh for the years gone.

I hope you enjoyed today’s Drabble. Click here to check out more of my Drabbles.

And you can read my other short stories and flash fiction here.

Check out this fantastic drabble on Fiction Shorts from Miriam Connolly:



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