Member-only story
A Small World
RWDrabble 2.0.014 | Terrarium
A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words — no more, no less. So please stick around for 30 seconds so Medium can see it’s been read. Any claps, highlights, and comments will help support my work and encourage me to keep going.
Today’s drabble must feature the random word of the day and start with “the rain poured in.”
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The rain poured into the jungle. The last week or so had been unbearably hot, and the ever-present humidity had abated. I almost wished for its return just for the moisture, a break from the unforgiving, dry heat of recent days. For one, it provided little pools of water that she could drink from.
Suddenly, the world shifted. Everything tilted, the greenery, rocks and soil sliding as she fell towards an unexpected opening and onto a wooden landscape. A huge shocked face looked down at her with confusion. Looking around, she realised she had been living in a terrarium.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Drabble. Click here to check out more of my Drabbles.
And you can read my other short stories and flash fiction here.
Check out this fantastic drabble on Fiction Shorts from Michael John Scott: