A Spontaneous Purchase Saved the Day

Random Word Drabble Challenge Day 151 Word Is Hardware

Stephen Dalton
Fiction Shorts
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Uncle Harry & Aunt Nancy, two elderly people with white hair are about to hang a picture.
Uncle Harry & Aunt Nancy hang a picture — Created with Bing AI creation tool.

A drabble is a work of fiction, a full story in exactly 100 words, no more, no less. I hope you enjoy it. Please scroll and read for at least 30 seconds. Claps, highlights, and comments are optional but very appreciated.

Uncle Harry went to the hardware store to get some nails to hang some pictures. But that’s not all; he needed a hammer, too. A nail gun caught his eye.

Suddenly, as he approached the counter, a masked man burst in, brandishing a gun and demanding cash.

Quick-thinking, Harry aimed the nail gun at the robber. The loud, unexpected whirring sound startled the thief, causing him to drop his weapon and flee.

The store manager called the police, who soon apprehended the would-be robber.

Harry became a local hero. His framed picture from the mayor made Nancy proud.

This was meant to be a playful poke in the eye for Nancy Oglesby who wrote, “Please, please, please tell a story. No one wants to read about Uncle Harry’s trip to the hardware store unless something worthwhile happens.”



Stephen Dalton
Fiction Shorts

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!