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A Spoonful of Medicine
RWDrabble 2.0.019 | Word: Spoonful
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The random word is spoonful, and the scene must be a hospital waiting room.
Drabbles are fiction stories that contain exactly 100 words. Because they’re so short, please let me know you were here by reading all the way to the bottom of the page.
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My Momma always touted ‘a spoonful of sugar’ as the cure for the taste of medicine. But sitting here in the hospital waiting room, nothing was sweet about this predicament.
The doors swung open, and Dr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome entered the waiting room holding a clipboard.
“Mrs. Langford?” he called.
I rose, “It’s Miss Langford.”
I’m Jeremy, Doctor Jeremy Sweet, “Good news. Your daughter will recover fully.”
Relief swept over me. He hesitantly said, “Why don’t we get some coffee and discuss a treatment.”
Even in chaos, life has sweet surprises — this spoonful of sweetness would help me through.