A Tale of Two Rabbits

The moral struggle between light and dark

Larry Nowicki
Fiction Shorts


random drabble word battle

created on Duscord and copyright by Larry Nowicki on imjflip.com

Within Earwin’s mind, two rabbits battled, one dark, advocating kindness, and one white, urging mischief. The ebony rabbit championed noble acts, while the ivory one whispered of chaos.

A battle raged in the corridors of his thoughts, a clash of ideals and intentions. The rabbits fought for control over his beliefs and actions, their voices echoing through his consciousness. The outcome of this internal struggle hinged on Earwin’s choices.

He knew the rabbit he nourished with his attention would emerge triumphant, shaping his worldview and guiding his decisions.

The one you empower within your mind reigns supreme. He chose mischief.

98 Random Word Drabble. Challenge 4/7 | by Nancy Oglesby | Fiction Shorts | Apr, 2024 | Medium

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Larry Nowicki
Fiction Shorts

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