Microfiction | Drabble

A Testy Rehearsal

Say it right!

Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Quill, scroll and ink well on a desk
Image by author and DALL-E (AI)

Random word for drabble #150: Redound

“All the glory will rebound to you! You will…”

“Calder, the line is ‘All the glory will redound to you.’ Start again.”

“Your glory will resound for ages! You…”

Hold! It’s ‘All the glory will redound to you!’”

“Bafflegab!” Calder bellowed, flourishing his cape. “Make him change it! I’ll give you 50p.”

“Most generous, but I’ll have to decline. He’s a bit…”

“Of a dullard? He barely finished grammar school!”

“The King likes that phrase, and the bard loves to pay court to royalty.”

“Very well. Then all the glory should redound to me!” Calder chortled as the others groaned.

Thank you for reading. This one’s a play on the myths about Shakespeare. Please leave a comment or any suggestions you may have.

Nancy Oglesby shows us that ginormous attitudes can come in small packages:



Misha Seeks
Fiction Shorts

Digital writer, inspo seeker. fiction dabbler, and self developer.