A Wave of Euphoria

A woman’s peak experience at the Montreux Jazz Festival in 2014.

Fiction Shorts


Drabble Challenge 5/22Dra

“A Wave of Euphoria” AI-Generated Image by Author with Playground AI

Selene held her breath while the band took the stage. The singer, adorned in a flowing vibrantly colored dashiki, raised his arms as the musicians struck the opening chords. The music swelled with sounds of traditional drums, a kora, and a balafon sending a wave of euphoria through the crowd.

“Ah, aaaah,” the crowd and band sang together.

People from different corners of the world swayed, danced, and sang. Differences were forgotten.

When the last note faded into the summer night, the band and audience were one. Overcome by joy, Selene knew she’d never forget the 2014 Montreux Jazz Festival.

This was my first Drabble published on Medium. What’s a drabble? A Drabble is a short work of fiction that is precisely 100 words in length.

Nancy Oglesby brought this form of micro-fiction to Medium. She offers a daily challenge on Fiction Shorts.

Today’s word of the day was:




Fiction Shorts

Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of http://bluelotusliving.com. BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.