AI Saves the Day Again

Sure about that?

Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
Fiction Shorts


Today’s daily word is Institution

A picture of a handshake between a robotic hand and a human hand, depicting how Zina’s defense is using AI to save her life.
Image by on Freepik

Drabbles are only 100 words. Please engage with the story for 30 seconds or more, so it can count as a read. Thank you!

“Your honor, she is a straight-A student working to afford college tuition; not this scheming killer the prosecutor is describing.”

Their defense was that the nanny cam video was AI-generated, citing Taylor Swift as precedence that artificial intelligence could be used to create realistic deep fakes.

It seemed to be working until they heard the commitment verdict.

Two years in a mental institution after which they’ll find out if she is competent to stand trial.

The Defence Lawyer said, “I’m so sorry. I know this was not the outcome you wanted.”

Zina smirked and resumed crying without tears.

Catch up on Zina’s story



Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
Fiction Shorts

I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.