Fiction | Short Stories | Drabble

Alien Visitors

A tiny fictional story

Nanie Hurley 🌿
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2024


Today’s random word is “Propose”. It comes with a twist: the genre is sci-fi.

Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

For the past few days, I’ve been writing a drabble a day. It’s fun, and I highly recommend it!

A drabble is a tiny fictional story in precisely 100 words. No more, no less.

“So what do you propose, Madam President?”

“We must send a convoy immediately to meet the extraterrestrials. Can we communicate with them?” asks the president, worry crossing her face.

“Their message was in Esperanto, Madam President,” explains General Sarah Rochester, spokesperson for the Pentagon.

“Can we speak that?”

“We already sent a message to an expert linguist, Madam President.”

“Darling, you don’t need to call me Madam President when we’re in bed. For you, I’m Betty.”

“I know, Madam President. But I don’t want problems during official meetings,” says Sarah before enveloping the love of her life for another kiss.

I’m enjoying writing drabbles.



Nanie Hurley 🌿
Fiction Shorts

Bookworm, gamer, mom, writer, vegan, and human. I write about things that bring me joy. Top Writer in Books & Sustainability.