All Due Respect…

Getting close to number one

Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts


The Random word of the day is Assistant

James Gandofini as Tony Soprano — Image Credit: HBO

The Boss, Salvatore ‘Sal’ Marino needs a new assistant.

“Not just muscle anymore, it’s about brains, loyalty….discretion,” he muses.

Vinnie replies “I’ve been thinking about Joey Galliano. Kid’s got a head for numbers, knows how to listen and doesn’t talk more than he has to.”

“Kid’ll be a target too. Can he handle the pressure?”

“Yeah. Let me set up a meeting.”

Joey arrives, wire hidden. Sits as cool as ice with Sal. Playing it slick, he spins yarns the family buys wholesale.

He’s impressive. He’s hired.

‘A Fed as an assistant’ laugh Joey’s handlers — ‘Just what Sal ordered, huh?’

Cast of The Sopranos — Image Credit: HBO

This story was inspired by the late and great James Gandolfini.

Today’s Drabble Random Word is Assistant — A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No More. No Less.

Thanks to Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. You can check it out here:



Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts

Drawing inspiration from life experience, I love reading and writing about personal growth, culture and creativity