Another Tom & Huck Adventure

Mystery in the cave

Gary L Ellis
Fiction Shorts


Created using DALL-E AI

Today’s random word is cumbrous.

What adventure have the boys gotten into today? This 100-word drabble explains.

Tom and Huck sauntered down the dusty trail as they kicked rocks along the way. Today’s, adventure — a mystery.

“Say, Huck,” Tom drawled, “reckon we should go explorin’ down yonder ol’ cumbrous cave?”

Huck, confused, “Cumbrous cave? There you go usin’ them fancy words again.”

Huck then squinted at the looming cavern. “Shucks, Tom, ain’t that the same place we got chased by ol’ Widow Douglas’s dog?”

“Maybe, but ain’t no mutt gonna scare us off.”

Agreed, the boys ventured into the mysterious cave’s depths.

What would they find? A jackpot of long-lost treasure? Maybe a skull and bones?

Thank you for reading my Fiction Short! Please take a minute to highlight, clap, and comment.

Here’s another take by @Nicolas Ramis on writing a drabble with the random word cumbrous. Funny stuff.



Gary L Ellis
Fiction Shorts

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!