Fiction Shorts

Are You the Only One Looking Through Your Window?

You may not be

Val Francis
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2024


Image Created by Val Francis using Bing AI Image Creator

Drabble 162 — Face. Twister. Begin with, ‘I heard a frantic pounding.’

I heard a frantic pounding. Opening the cabin door, I saw nobody outside.

“Who’s there?” I yelled.

Nothing. Only the sound of a random nightjar mousing.

For two weeks, I’d been woken by the pounding — same time every night. There was never anyone there — but I waited — expecting what?

The only pounding was my heart, a rapid, audible beat.

Curiosity bested my fear, and with my nose touching the glass, I watched my face reflected at me — the image of the man I’d desperately tried to escape — But outside, I saw nothing, though knowing it would return — tomorrow, same time.

Fiction Shorts

89 stories

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Val Francis
Fiction Shorts

As a writer, I’ve never been happy being pigeonholed because there’s so much to write about & too little time to do it. So, seize the day is my motto.