Breaking the Silence
The random word today is ‘grotesque’ with a twist
A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words — no more. No Less.
Today’s Twist: Story must include a duck quacking!
If my story resonates with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts and relish your applause. I’d love to know you were here ☘️
This place had always been too sedate for its own good. I return, crossing the river that swept me toward the thrill of London.
Reaching the grotesque iron gate to my country house, I find myself in the thick of a conundrum; the exoticism of my life with my mistress as against the silent poplar trees and lily ponds that surround me. The children probably asleep inside — my wife, an insomniac, broken with betrayal.
Oh, that some genie could wave a wand to make reality dissolve.
I need a sign.
A duck quacking shatters the silence.
I open the gate.
A huge thanks to Nancy Oglesby and her wonderful team at Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge.