Bummer she’s here.

Alan Campbell
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2024

Random Drabble with a twist. The word is instrument and the twist is spotting an old flame at the concert. #190

Illustration of a old concert ticket
Admission©Illustration of a concert ticket. Author

A Drabble is a story of 100 words exactly. NO more, NO less.

Joe screamed at Aden over the din,
“Whoa! These are some powerful shrooms.”

Music tore the air.
Bass shuttered through their bodies.

The guitarist wielded his instrument like a lightsaber.
Aiming it at the crowd as it moaned and growled.

Back and forth he slashed, slicing at the crowd.
The flickering lights made faces hard to read.
A sea of heads bobbing and bouncing before them.

Aden said, “It looks like bubbles on the surface of dark water.”

Glancing right. “No WAY!” Aden yelled,
“Bummer, why the fuck is she here?”

He rubbed his eyes. Wait, is that really her?

Check out the cool prompts from Nancy. Always a challenge.

It’s awesome to find new things. This one is from a new writer to me. Fun times. Nanie Hurley 🌿



Alan Campbell
Fiction Shorts

A story teller. I created images for others for years. I am finally opening my creativity on the flat plane. Join me. Curious what you'll find in my words.