Random Word Drabble

Celebration Turns To Disaster

Drabble day 158

Lynn L. Alexander
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2024


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A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.

The word is kiss and the genre is historical fiction.

It was April 15, 1912, onboard the RMS Titanic.

It was the British ship’s inaugural voyage from England to the United States, and all the passengers were exuberant, especially John Jacob Astor and his wife Madeleine.

Alice Thorndike was thrilled to meet the prosperous couple.

While the guests celebrated with champagne and an orchestra performing classical music, water gushed into the ship.

Alice and Madeleine shouted, “Oh, God!”

John remained calm and reassuringly kissed his pregnant wife.

Later, the Captain announced that the ship had struck an iceberg.

Madeleine turned to John and said, “ Lettuce leaf for the lifeboats.”

John Jacob Astor died on the Titanic, and his wife Madeleine was one of 492 passengers who survived.

Looking for a drabble to read? Checkout this one by Izzibella Beau



Lynn L. Alexander
Fiction Shorts

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.