Fiction / Drabble / Challenge

Chaos in the Kitchen and the Meaning of Life

Day 22 of the new random word drabble challenge — meaning.

Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts


The random word for today is meaning.

Little girl in high chair with spaghettoi sauce all over her face.
Johnny and Tommy’s little sister Mary with spaghetti sauce all over her face. Photo by Jerry Dwyer.

A drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.

“What is the meaning of this?” Mom yelled.

Mary’s food dripped from her nose, ears, and chin. She opened her mouth and raised her hand, then froze.

Tommy took Mary’s dish off his head and the now empty glass of orange juice from his lap and wondered how to blame his older brother for this.

It wasn’t the meaning of the word “meaning” that concerned Johnny. It was the meaning of the sound of Mom’s voice and the look on her face. Let Tommy get himself in trouble.

“It’s all Johnny’s fault,” said Tommy. “He should have caught the football!”



Jerry Dwyer
Fiction Shorts

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.