Coffee Is Life — Carpe Diem
Drabble #336 | The Random Word: Seize — a drabble and a half with a cup of coffee
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This is a drabble and a half, 150 words — no more, no less. Please stay on the page and scroll for at least 30 seconds. Claps, highlights, and comments are appreciated.
So, Jeff. I heard you write on Medium.
Yes, John, every day. Why? Do you drabble?
No, I’m not coordinated enough. I just shoot or pass. Dribbling is for kids.
No, a drabble is a 100-word story — no more, no less… unless the publication manager provides a twist that allows you to write a drabble and a half or a double drabble.
Then, no. I don’t drabble. How would you ever make money on Medium with a story that takes a half-minute to read? Everyone tells me long-form personal essays are the way to go.
Short-form fiction produced regularly can be profitable.
Oh no, I couldn’t…