Member-only story
Cooking for the Count
RWDrabble 2.0.009 | Word: Garnish
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The random word is garnish, and we must base our story on the image provided.
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I’ve been locked away in this drafty Transylvanian castle for years. Cooking for the Count is my sole mission in life and what keeps me alive. Alive as in still human.
I’ve seen many of the other servants here who haven’t aged. No, thank you!
After serving the Count his dinner, he was always complimentary.
“Sorry, dragă, I’m not very fond of grilled cheese. But the blood soup was delicious, darling.”
“It was tomato soup, Drac.”
“Of course, Suflețel. Just having a little fun.”
“Oh, yeah, it was garnished with roasted, crushed garlic. Perhaps, now you’re ready for your stake?”