Member-only story
Crime Doesn’t Pay
RWDrabble 2.0.011 | Disappearing
A Drabble is a fiction story of exactly 100 words — no more, no less. So please stick around for 30 seconds so Medium can see it’s been read. Any claps, highlights, and comments will help support my work and encourage me to keep going.
Today’s drabble must feature the random word of the day, it must be the same story as yesterday but set in the present!
If you’re not a member of Medium, click here to read my story for free!
“You can’t be serious, detective? He’s killed my wife, and now you want her sister as a decoy? This is insane.”
“We don’t have enough evidence to nail him, Mister Roberts. My officers are watching the landscaper. He won’t be disappearing this time.”
Amelia rushed into the house, past the landscaper and into her sister’s room. Officers watched him in secret.
Nobody saw the cleaner enter. “How did you get out of the river? No matter, I’ll end this now,” she said menacingly. Before she could act, the detective cuffed her.
“Well, this is not what I suspected,” he mused.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Drabble. Click here to check out more of my Drabbles.