Culture and Emotions
They are closely connected after all
Drabble # 216 August 2, 2024’s word is model; a drabble and a half
“Shu is the oldest. A mixed-race family. Her mother is an immigrant, but her father is a native. Her mother’s family pursued business; her father’s side was active in the government. Her mother believed that effort brings results; her father said connections open doors — the two contradictions that defined her existence in this world.”
“This is the beginning?”
“That’s the most fundamental part of why she chases perfection, to be a model for her family — not just her siblings, but also her extended family.”
“Inflict emotions!”
“I did! Without using the five senses. I used cultural values instead.”
“I don’t understand?”
“It’s the authenticity of my family… the flavor of my culture. We don’t express much emotions. We don’t share them with others. Often, we didn’t even acknowledge them!”
“How about the readers?”
“I believe in authenticity. The only way I’m reaching out to my true readers.”
Thank you, Nancy Oglesby, for a fun inspiration.