Drabble Challenge

Damsel in Distress

Nanya Sands
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readJul 16, 2024


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my drabble. If you’re new here, a drabble is a story of 100 words. Take your time reading, highlighting, and sharing your thoughts in the comments. Enjoy!

Today’s random word: Climb

Twister: “You get to the dry cleaner only to find that they’ve closed early.”

“No! You aren’t listening. I wasn’t breaking and entering…”

The officer gives me a stink eye. I roll my eyes.


He shakes his head, clearly exasperated. “Ma’am, you climbed in through a broken window.”

“Because I’m the fucking maid of honor whose dress is in jeopardy and the only dry cleaner in this goddamn town chose today of all days to close early.”

“It’s still a violation.”

“It wouldn’t have been if you had let me finish my business peacefully and left them a hefty sum.” I huff, watching him slap those forbidden cold bangles around my dainty wrists.

Nanya Sands © 2024. All rights reserved.



Nanya Sands
Fiction Shorts

Travel is my jam, stories are the wheels. Digital nomad leaving joyful footprints everywhere.