Fiction Shorts, Random Drabble

Dangerous Shenanigans

Written for Fiction Shorts Random Word Drabble ‘Definition’.

Jessica's Quill
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readMay 4, 2024


A drabble is a short story confined to exactly 100 words.

Image created with Bing Co-Pilot by Jessica’s Quill

“Rach, this is the definition of stupid”, Harley scoffed, eying her friend worriedly.

Rachel smirked, dangling her leg perilously over the cliff. “Geez, girl, have you ever learnt to live a little?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to die or witness you plunge to your death”, Harley retorted as their friends snickered. “It would seriously kill my vibes”.

“No pun intended”, one of their friends, Nate, hollered.

“Ooh I’m so scared”, Rachel said mockingly just as her foot caught on a stray piece of rock.

Her friends yelled in horror as she disappeared over the edge, her screams distant echoes.

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Jessica's Quill
Fiction Shorts

31 year old Autistic mum and wife, long time writer and bookworm, UK writer meaning UK grammar.