Dilly, Dally, Dawdle

Random Word Drabble Challenge 142

Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts


The word of the day is conference.

Photo by Radoslav Bali on Unsplash

A Drabble is a short fiction story of exactly 100 words. No more. No less. It isn’t easy to come up with these every single day.

The annual Conference on Procrastination’s opening ceremony was delayed because Dr. Last-Minute had misplaced his notes. Then he realized the slides were in the wrong order. As he fumbled through them, the audience decided to take a break and reschedule the session for later.

Eventually, the conference continued, with each speaker starting their presentation by saying, “I’ll keep it brief,” but going over their allotted time.

In the end, the closing ceremony was scheduled for the next day.

The conference was hailed as the most authentic procrastination event ever, with participants inspired to postpone things with even greater expertise.

I enjoyed reading the following story by Mark Palmer.

Have you tried writing a Drabble yet?



Julia A. Keirns
Fiction Shorts

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.