Dirty Work

Get somebody else to do it

Mike Range
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Gotta be careful here. (image: Camila Totti via pexels)

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words.

Today’s random word is “telegraph,” and the required first sentence is “She saw the shadow of an axe…”

She saw the shadow of an axe, which telegraphed the attack. She swung the last of the metal boxes she’d pulled from the long hole

like a shallow grave

and her attacker dropped with a thud. Dead. She wasn’t surprised to see it was Jake. After all, he’d put the boxes here. Why he’d told her about them was beyond Mona.

“Thank you, Mona,” said Jake.

She whirled, saw the gun.

“Yeah, twinsies. I told him you were after our stash. Well, my stash, now.”

As Jake drove away, he admired the flowers he’d planted atop the freshly filled hole.

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Go on the hunt with Robin MS



Mike Range
Fiction Shorts

Laughter™️ is the best medicine. Ask your doctor if Laughter™️ is right for you. Points In Case, Weekly Humorist, End of the Bench Sports. @MovieLeagueMike