Don’t Ask Me to Keep This Promise

A love story

Mary Morton
Fiction Shorts


Day 171 Word of the day “promise”

Photo by yang miao on Unsplash

I want you to know I understand,” Lily said quietly. “Keeping that promise would have been hard for anyone.”

“It’s not that I didn’t want to keep the promise. But the idea of losing you…”

She reached out to touch him but pulled back, unable to comfort him.

“It’s okay. One day you’ll look back, and it won’t hurt so much.”

Logan wiped tears from his eyes, then leaned down and placed the flowers on his wife’s grave. “I couldn’t have them honor the DNR. I had to let them try, even if it didn’t work.”

From beyond, she nodded.

“A DNR is a a legal document that means a person has decided not to have CPR attempted on them if their heart or breathing stops.

Check out this promising story by Stephen Dalton

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Mary Morton
Fiction Shorts

Holds a bachelors degree in English from the Ohio State University. Avid journaler and cat lover. Writes a variety of topics including mental health experiences