Don’t Call Him Dumb

An etymologist’s lesson to his son

Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2024


Today’s Daily Word: BENIGHTED

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The Daily Drabble Journey continues — short stories of exactly 100 words. Please stay on this page for at least 30 seconds, so we know you’ve been here. Also, I love hearing from readers so please feel free to highlight, clap, comment — let me know what you think. Many of us on this journey enjoy engaging with readers and writers. I am one of them. Thank you!

Charlie said the new kid was dumb. Dad followed with questions:

“Is he able to speak?”
Is he silly?
Does he get bad grades?
“Does he act foolishly?” asked Dad.

No, Dad,” Charlie responded, annoyingly, “He just doesn’t understand what we’re talking about when we mention our weekend homes and vacations.”

As Dad prepared for today’s word lesson, Charlie rolled his eyes.
That’s what I get for being the son of an etymologist,” Charlie thought to himself.

Dad explained: “When you have different opportunities than someone else, it doesn’t make him dumb; it’s kinder to refer to him as benighted.

1. “Sticks and stones…” are NOT the only things hurt. Words matter.
2. Be kind



Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts

I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher