Don’t Underestimate Dead Witches

A definite power of superstition

Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts
Published in
Feb 22, 2024


Random Word Drabble Day 52: “Description”

Please remain on the page for at least 30 seconds, clap and highlight if you like my short story of 100 words.

At midnight, a drunk soldier kneeled to cut a lily growing on the grave of the Witch. He squeezed the blood-red flower into his pocket to show as definite proof to his friends waiting for him at the pub. They bet he would not dare to come to her cursed burial place.

“Superstitious mambo jambo,” he murmured, standing up and staggered away. Suddenly, he felt something pulling him back. Blood rushed away from his face, and his heart stopped from fear.

In the morning, his friends found him dead, his long coat pinned to the grave with his dagger.



Alex Mos
Fiction Shorts

Master's degree in Pharmacy; Romantic at heart; Joyful in life