Essence of Joy

and cousin Happy

Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2024


Today’s Daily Word: HAPPY

image created by Karen Hoffman in Canva

The Daily Drabble Journey continues — short stories of exactly 100 words. Please stay on this page for at least 30 seconds, so we know you’ve been here. Also, I love hearing from readers so please feel free to highlight, clap, comment — let me know what you think. Many of us on this journey enjoy engaging with readers and writers. I am one of them. Thank you!

Happy and Joy were cousins. Many people confused them as siblings; they seemed so similar. Only keen observers could distinguish between the two. But the difference was significant.

Though they both meandered in public with smiles and seemingly positive feelings, at least on the surface, Happy often felt low.

Happy consistently felt the burden of working hard, searching for a release of dopamine, serotonin or oxytocin — those feel-good pleasures he craved so much.

Joy, on the other hand, always had a warm feeling and exuded an essence of contentment, independent of external events.

Ultimately, Joy had the happier life.

Don’t go chasing happiness. Joy is a better lifelong companion.



Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts

I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher