Fighting the Loneliest Fight

C’mon, learn to choose your battles

Mike Range
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min read2 days ago


“Everybody listen up — I have an opinion!” (image: Pressmaster via pexels)

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words.

Today’s random word is “WAVER,” and the required FIRST SENTENCE is “Why make life harder for yourself?”

“Why make life harder for yourself?” said Nicki.

Brian puffed up his chest. “I know it’s rare today, but I am a man of principle. If you only stick to your principles when it’s easy, they aren’t really principles, are they?”

“Uh-huh. I think you’re taking liberties with the word principles.”

“The world may be against me, but I will not allow society to dissuade me from my core beliefs.”

“Yeah, that’s fine, Gandhi, nobody’s asking you to waver from your opinion. I’m just saying you don’t have to start every conversation with ‘I think Ted Lasso was overrated.’”

Thanks for sparing a minute to read my story. Or, if not a minute, maybe thirty seconds, so the Medium algorithm counts it as a read? Feel free to take a few extra seconds to determine which part you liked least. Insult me in the comments. I’ll take being despised over being ignored 😎.



Mike Range
Fiction Shorts

Laughter™️ is the best medicine. Ask your doctor if Laughter™️ is right for you. Points In Case, Weekly Humorist, End of the Bench Sports. @MovieLeagueMike