Forbidden Fruit

Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMay 27, 2024


The random word of the day is <<covet>>

Image Credit: Canva/Author (Using AI)

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No More. No Less.

Because drabbles are short, please consider staying on this page for at least 30 seconds. I’d love to know you were here. I would love to receive your claps or comments if you enjoyed the read!

J. Moreau nursed a whiskey under the flicker of crimson lights in the Moulin Rouge.

Mireille Dubois was on stage with her performing snake.

It slithered around her curves like silk drawn over marble, a caress of darkness, a temptation that promised the unknown.

He was mesmerized watching her hips wiggle and sway as the snake slinked lower and lower.

A brash American interrupted his thoughts.

‘Hey kid, did you know the great George Bernard Shaw said Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire… You desire that girl don’t you?’

Silly man thought Moreau.

I covet the snake!

Adam’s Apple by Dall-E/Canva/Miriam (Using AI)

Thanks to Nancy Oglesby and Fiction Shorts for the daily challenge. You can check it out here:



Miriam Connolly
Fiction Shorts

Drawing inspiration from life experience, I love reading and writing about personal growth, culture and creativity