Fiction Shorts/Random/Drabble

Forbidden To Pass Free

Photo by Global Residence Index on Unsplash

But This Is Me!

The whirling excitement from my Paris romance abruptly came to a nightmarish end.

My passport was getting more attention than normal with a hand motioning for someone.

My carefully prepared list of the unexpected I could hear rattle inside my jacket pocket. This was not on my unexpected list. Why wasn’t it?

This airport detective was saying, “No, Ms. Porter, you’re not free to go. This isn’t your passport.”

With my passport placed in front of me, I barely heard me over my heart pounding. Maybe the detective didn’t either. Could he hear my heart?

“But this is me, sir.”



Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue)
Fiction Shorts

Retired but active in some of the most unpredictable moments among many unexpected people. Ready to write about yesterdays and todays with hopes for tomorrows.