
Fozzie the Dog In Heaven

Jonny Masters
Fiction Shorts
2 min readFeb 29, 2024


Today’s random word is assistant.

Dogs in Heaven. Image created using Bing Image Creator

Please stay here for thirty seconds. This drabble stands alone, but is a reassurance after yesterday’s, for those who read it. Please take the time to highlight, clap, and comment, or simply to sit and reflect once you’ve read the drabble.

Fozzie was in Dog Heaven.

“Hey,” said a bouncy Labrador, “I’m Dylan. Were you an assistant dog too?” “No,” replied Fozzie, “I was a well-loved pet.”
“Oh, you’ll miss your owner here.” He paused, “I miss Henry.”
“I already miss Dave, but it is good not to be in pain.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty great. The best bit’s through that door over there, though.”
A wooden door stood in the field, far in the distance.
“When your owner dies, you will be called, and you’ll go through there to be together again. I can’t wait to see Henry one day.”

This Drabble (a story of exactly 100 words) is written in response to this prompt from Nancy Oglesby:



Jonny Masters
Fiction Shorts

Gay Christian. Editor of Poetry Playground, Inclusive Christianity, Prism & Pen. I write a daily drabble with themes such as pets, tourism, humour and politics.