Gifts for the Entire Family

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readApr 8, 2024


Sometimes it’s not what you ordered that’s appreciated

Credit nasilzang on Pixabay

This is my submission to the Random word Drabble Challenge using the word ‘large’

Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading it as I did in the writing.

Dad searched gifts for boys six years old on the Amazon website.

It was his son’s birthday.

Dad settled on a planetary lamp. The boy loved space exploration.

A large box was delivered on the youngster’s birthday.

The boy ripped it open excitedly.

He ignored the planetary lamp but loved the bubble wrap packing popping it in celebration.

The family’s cat crawled into the large box and made it his own home.

The dad was able to pee in the bowl and not on the floor, with the illumination of the celestial night light his wife installed in the bathroom.

A shout out to my Drabble inspirations Randy Pulley, Karen Schwartz and Michael Rhodes— you others, I get ya next time.

Peace in the kingdom.



Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.