Day 97 Drabble Challenge

Harvey’s Return

He tried not to eat the whole thing…he really did!

Dawn Smiles
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2024


Today’s random word is: Entire

Artwork by Author made using Night Cafe

Drabbles are short: 100 words. No more, no less. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the story counts as having been read! Please read, highlight, clap, comment — let me know you’ve been here. 🥳 Thank you! 😄

Harvey just ran around on his hamster wheel — or at least, he did, until the Treats got him. Now he waddled wherever he went.

Soft Hands, Don’t Bite had taken to feeding him Sugar Pops. That’s it. And he loved them, don’t get him wrong — but he could never stop himself from eating them all.

Every day his hamster brain would kick in and Harvey the man from Boston would check out — he’d only return to himself after he’d binged on the entire bowl.

Tomorrow would be different. Tomorrow he was going on a diet. After this last Pop. Mmmmm…

Read the very first Harvey story!



Dawn Smiles
Fiction Shorts

Hi, I’m Dawn! 😊 I’m here, traveling by your side. It’s time to shine!☀️ | LoA | Meditate | Positive | Intuition | E-motion | Growth | Clarity | Love | Hugs! 😄