He said “No!”

Or did she?


Today’s daily word is Assistant

A woman wearing a revealing dress in high heels, in an office environment, holding up a package. Like my story describes, Who should the detectives believe? The assistant or her boss?
Image by Racool_studio on Freepik

Drabbles are short — only 100 words. Please stay on the page for 30 seconds or more, so the stories are counted as read. Please read, highlight, clap, and comment — let us know you’ve been here! Thank you!

“You’re my bloody assistant!

I pay your salary. You will grovel at my feet if I want, or you’ll drop your ID and walk out of my office this minute.”

Those were his words after I objected to him smacking my butt. I was only defending myself when he attacked me.

The detectives looked at his corpse with scorn and held her as she cried, hoping to close this out as a self-defense case.

Oh, look, is that a nanny cam?

Zina: Ahh… Nanny cam? What? I didn’t know he had one. Uhmm...

Detectives: Why are you shaking?



Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
Fiction Shorts

I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.