Hijacking Her Mind

Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts


Alexa and Siri — did you hear that?

Today’s Daily Word: INFORMATION

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The Daily Drabble Journey continues — short stories of exactly 100 words. Please stay on this page for at least 30 seconds, so we know you’ve been here. Also, I love hearing from readers so please feel free to highlight, clap, comment — let me know what you think. Many of us on this journey enjoy engaging with readers and writers. I am one of them. Thank you.

Wanda had a habit of talking aloud to herself.
Today Wanda wondered about something bizarre; without having conversations with friends, she suddenly received twenty texts, offering advice, opinions, and information about friends’ experiences.

“How strange that these texts are in response to what I’m worried about, but I haven’t shared in public,” she said.

Wanda seriously thought her mind had been hijacked.
She was oblivious to the fact that yesterday’s iOS and Amazon updates defaulted to Alexa and Siri spewing Wanda’s privately-spoken thoughts directly onto her social media platforms.

More texts: “Worry less; wonder more. And reprogram your devices.”



Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts

I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher