Hold Your Hat & Head Upright

And heed the lessons of the cowboys before you

Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Today’s Daily Word: GALLON

Photo by Jamie Coupaud on Unsplash

The Daily Drabble Journey continues — short stories of exactly 100 words. Please stay on this page for at least 30 seconds, so we know you’ve been here. Also, I love hearing from readers so please feel free to highlight, clap, comment — let me know what you think. Many of us on this journey enjoy engaging with readers and writers. I am one of them. Thank you.

He may have been wearing a ten-gallon hat, but that didn’t make Gus any less susceptible to tears, albeit some cowboys would disagree.

Today was a hard day as they spread the ashes of Dad across their Wyoming land, close to the corral where Gus had been given his first cowboy hat.

The poignancy wasn’t lost, as Gus recalled Dad’s message all those years ago: “Gus, when you wear this hat, hold your head upright; let people see who you really are. And always remember your humble beginnings, no matter how high or low you are feeling.”

“Thanks, Dad!”

LESSONS: Gus’s dad said it all when he taught Gus the values of humility, grace, and respecting one’s spectrum of emotions, despite how large the hat you’re



Karen Hoffman
Fiction Shorts

I focus on Words that Matter®- like gratitude, compassion, kindness. Life experiences & nature inspire me. Writer; CEO Living on Purpose; Morning Altars Teacher