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Home Is Where the Heart Is
RWDrabble 2.0.013 | Disapproval
Today’s drabble challenge word is “disapproval”.
Today’s drabble challenge twist is that the phrase “the blanket is too tight” must appear in the story.
A drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less.
If you enjoyed this, let me know by highlighting, clapping, and commenting!
Without wine my brain chatters away, unable to switch off by itself.
To soothe myself into blessed sleep, I pour bloody red down my throat, warming up as it goes down.
Only then can I pull my blanket to my chin and slip away, dreamless, forgetting once more the disapproval of loved ones. I’m just grateful to feel her close.
Minutes or maybe eons later, I’m woken by sideways rain. Head thumping, the blanket is too tight, the cardboard around me too damp.
As my makeshift shelter disintegrates, I shuffle off, leaving her behind, an unreachable six feet below me.
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