How the Mountain Lost Its Top

Nancy S Rust
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2024


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A people known for their wit, wisdom, and music lived in a mountain holler.

One day, a white crow flew up and down the holler. “Caw, caw,” he called over and over.

Twins, a boy and girl, spoke to him, “We’ll trail ye.”

The crow led them halfway up the mountain. A rockslide slid beside them, raising an enormous dust cloud. The dust covered the entire mountaintop. The crow flew into it and became black.

The twins told their elders what happened. The elders foresaw a future without the top of the mountain.

Ninety years later, strip mining was established.

More than 500 mountain tops in Appalachia have been removed, devastating families, wildlife, and streams. To learn more, read here.

Robin MS has a mystery you don’t want to miss.

Bill Willisford gives us a historical perspective in this one.



Nancy S Rust
Fiction Shorts

Journeying through pages and paths, chasing words, embracing life, promoting literacy. .