How To Live In People's Heads Permanently

How a people lost themselves

Fiction Shorts


The random word is MODERN. A DRABBLE AND HALF.

Photo by Kulile M on Unsplash

Please enjoy my one hundred words drabble for at least 30 seconds so Medium knows you’ve been here. Claps, highlights, and comments will help more people read my work. I would do the same for you.

To destroy a people, all one has to do is make them misunderstand certain fundamental concepts. And that is exactly what was done to the people with the manila skin, nappy hair, and broad noses.

They were taught that modern was better, so they dumped their roots and herbs for powdered pills and colloidal placebos. They were made to see that their languages were archaic, so they itched to speak another. The plan was so ingenious that these Indigenous people forgot that the purpose of language is communication, not sophistication. And if people cannot communicate, how can they effectively cooperate?

Slowly, they began to lose their power because people are always weaker when divided.

When they called them tribes, they said it with their lips curled downward because what they really meant by tribes was an uncivilized people. And by uncivilized, they meant a people who could not lead themselves.

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Random Word Drabble Guidelines Update | by Nancy Oglesby | Fiction Shorts | Jan, 2024 | Medium

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