I Never Want to Awaken

Drabble #252 | Haphazard

Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2024


Close up of an older woman’s face with her eyes closed.
Image credit: Canva Pro

Today’s challenge was to use the word, ‘haphazard’ in a story that started with the line, “When I awoke from the dream…”

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When I awoke from the dream,
I lay as still as the sea on a cloudless day.

Memories of the night before,
Drifted behind my closed eyelids.

Reason burrowed beneath desire,
Her magnetism left me weak, powerless.

The soft hairs of her arm brushed my chest,
Static, a frisson of electricity.

Flush with discovery, two, interwoven,
A soft sigh escaped my lips,

The tree grew through the room,

Unholy, haphazard noises…
Crashing sounds pulled me from my reverie.

My love…

I felt her touch for weeks, months. Her smile yet lingers.

I arise, knowing I never want to awaken fully.

Robin MS was dreaming about the old days of comedy in this story!



Nancy Oglesby
Fiction Shorts

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication