Fiction Shorts, Random Drabble

If You Are Not With Me

Written for FICTION SHORTS ‘Random Word Drabble ‘Against’.

Jessica's Quill
Fiction Shorts
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2024


A drabble is a short story confined to exactly 100 words.

Wicked stepmother imprisoning the princess in a giant cage.
Created on Bing Co-Pilot by Jessica’s Quill

“If you are not with me”, Ferelith gazed down at her step-daughter, her face cold, void of any familiar affection. “Then you are against me, child”.

Princess Iridessa sneered. “You killed my father for the throne. Of course, I’m against you, you hag!”

Ferelith’s responding laugh was brittle. “You have no means to stop me”, she pointed out.

The girl was trapped in an enchanted cage of impenetrable metal. The odds of her escape were low.

“Perhaps”, Iridessa agreed, her courage unwavering in the darkness. “But I have many friends across the Kingdoms who will not let this stand”.

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Jessica's Quill
Fiction Shorts

31 year old Autistic mum and wife, long time writer and bookworm, UK writer meaning UK grammar.