In the Dumpster, of All Places

Today’s random word is: baby

Maria Rattray
Fiction Shorts


Photo by Alp Duran on Unsplash

Something alerted Alison. She had to find out.

The dumpster truck was turning, ready to empty the contents of the refuse bin.

She ran in front of the driver.

“Just give me a sec,” she pleaded, and before the impatient driver could respond, she flipped the lid of the container.

Nothing to see! Nothing to see!

BUT yes, something to hear!

With that she began to toss cartons and boxes onto the sidewalk.

And then a movement, just a little, and the faint cry.

Suddenly there she was, a tiny one-day-old baby, already past her use-by date.

If you’re not already on board with writing drabbles, (short, 100-word stories, no more, no less,) do yourself a favour. Get stuck in! They are a lot of fun to write, but also serve as a lesson in tight writing, given the 100-word constraint.



Maria Rattray
Fiction Shorts

Writer, author, teacher, fun-loving poet. Trying valiantly to make the world a better place. Helping you to guide the future. Find me at: