In The Pouring Rain

When a dribble it is not


Fiction Short/Random/Drabble Daily Word Dribble

Photo by David Clarke on Unsplash

The warning came from Dixie’s friend. It wasn’t just a dribble of rain in her neighborhood.

It was clear Dixie needed to be careful in walking from the guest parking space to her friend’s apartment.

Dixie looked up. She was on the flat of her back drenched in muddy cold water. Her friend reached out a hand to help her up. Ouch!

Her friend’s apartment complex sidewalk had flooded. Such floods, mixed with invisible muddy leaves, were the cause of many slips and slides.

Dixie, with her senior disabled friend, entered an attorney’s office, with a definitive matter at hand.



Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue)
Fiction Shorts

Retired but active in some of the most unpredictable moments among many unexpected people. Ready to write about yesterdays and todays with hopes for tomorrows.