In the Shadow of War

A promise too fragile to last

Anna Soldenhoff
Fiction Shorts


Today’s random word is KISS, genre: historical fiction

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Since drabbles are brief, I’d appreciate it if you could hang around on this page for at least 30 seconds to count it as a read. If you feel like giving a round of applause, highlighting, or dropping a comment, that would be the perfect finishing touch. 💕

The rumble of distant shells echoed through the dusty streets of Dubrovnik. Marija clutched a photograph, the image of Nikola, her husband.

“Here,” an older woman with eyes that held the war’s weariness pressed a stale loaf of bread into her hand. “Eat, child. Strength is needed for more than fighting.”

Marija forced a smile, her voice hoarse. “Thank you, but I’m waiting for Nikola.”

The woman’s gaze softened. “He won’t return, Marija. The JNA took Vukovar yesterday.”

Marija shook her head, denial a bitter taste on her tongue. “No. He promised… he said a kiss goodbye at the gate.”

Nancy Oglesby writes, “If you are unfamiliar with a drabble, it is a fiction story of exactly 100 words.”

To make the challenge more interesting, each day, she gives a random word prompt.



Anna Soldenhoff
Fiction Shorts

I enjoy getting lost in a good book, spend time with my cats, admire the beauty of the natural world, and appreciate the creativity of the art world.