Is There Another Chapter

Word of the day: Unusual

DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Fiction Shorts


“The Next Chapter” Created using Imagine.

Jeff and Audrey had dated on and off all through their school years. Now, they were going off to college.

It was unusual, but they went hiking together to discuss the future.

Audrey, her voice trembling, said, “I’m scared of us being apart.” Jeff, filled with determination, replied, “Life holds so much for us. Like you, I want to be closer to you.” She asked, in a whisper, “What if it’s not the same for us.” He said, his voice filled with love,” Audrey, I love you. I always will. Being apart will only confirm our love for each other.”

Thanks for dropping by! If you have time, I’d really appreciate some feedback. I love Drabbles and would like to be better and with your help. I will.

Want to read other great Drabbles? Check out Rick Allen and CJ Coop’s work here, and Jessica’s Quill Drabble Drops are here.

Thanks for reading,



DR Rawson - The Possibilist
Fiction Shorts

A retired serial entrepreneur, writer, author, and editor committed to the Human Intelligence movement. Please join us.