It Looked Like a Lethal Weapon

Dangerous business for kids

Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts


Today’s word is railroad.

Credit ArtTower on Pixabay

Random, Drabble, Fiction Short featuring the word ‘railroad’ using exactly 100 words, no more — no less.

Come along with me for the ride!

My cousin and I lived a block away from the railroad tracks. When we were in elementary school we looked at the commuter trains whizzing by.


We were admonished to, “Never go near the tracks!”

We’d sneak down to the track bed, put pennies on the track, and watch the trains flatten them.

Once my cousin put a sixteen-penny nail on the track.

As the train approached we looked at each other afraid.

Will the train crash?

It didn’t, we retrieved the flattened nail.

It resembled a sharp knife blade.

My cousin smiled in an evil mischievous way.



Brian Dickens Barrabee
Fiction Shorts

Very much involved with the world and likes nothing better than writing about its absurdities. Award winning author who guarantees a laugh or two a story.