It’s a Brand New Day

Julia awakens from the fog

Tina M. Roberts
Fiction Shorts
Feb 7, 2024


Today’s random word is days.

Woman looking out window

Credit: Dries Buytaert,

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How many days had Julia watched out the window waiting for Ryan to walk up the drive? How many nights had she lain awake wondering where things had gone wrong? Ryan told her they were forever, but he lied because here she was, lost, alone, and regretting being so needy.

Ryan told her she was too needy. Julia wondered how wanting moral support equaled too needy. She knew it was time to get up and take that next right step forward. She didn’t need Ryan for that. Julia propped herself up, dusted herself off, and faced a brand new day.



Tina M. Roberts
Fiction Shorts

Mom, wife, lifelong educator and student, reader, and writer