It’s Still a Free Country, Isn’t It?

I won’t keep quiet any longer

Denée King
Fiction Shorts


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Random Drabble 194 — The word is “Freak” — The Twist? *Include a recipe!

“OMG! You cannot be serious! You say that out loud and the you-know-what will hit the fan!”

“It’s true and I’m allowed to have my own opinion, right?”

“Of course. You can have it but you should keep it to yourself.”

“Your family’s going to freak out but I’m tired of acquiescing to appease her.

“I don’t like walking on eggshells either but….”

“I hate your mother’s ‘famous casserole’! There, I said it! Cream of Mushroom soup AND Cream of Chicken soup? Soggy Tortillas? Gag! ”

“You can’t cook but you’ve just created the perfect recipe for disaster.”

I was born in Kingsville, Texas — home of The King Ranch. King Ranch Casserole is a family classic. I love it but the kids? Not so much!

If you like sassy banter between two southern girls, I’d love to share my new Short Fiction —



Denée King
Fiction Shorts

Past the midway point of life and grateful to be here! Let me tell you a story. Aspiring Author, Happy Writer. Funny girl. Spiritual but not religious.